grade Healing Our Children with Attentional, Emotional and Learning Challenges
Teaching Academics in Preschool and Kindergarten
grade Teaching Our Children to Write, Read and Spell, Part I
Teaching Our Children to Write, Read and Spell, Part II
Fluent Sight vs. Fluent Phonetic Reading:
Assessment of Pre-Reading and Reading Skills
grade picture_as_pdf Comparison: Fluent Sight Reading vs. Fluent Phonetic Reading
grade Visual Tracking, Eye Convergence, Reading and Writing
grade Therapeutic Eurythmy: Strengthening Neurological Pathways
Waldorf Education: Protecting the Spirit of Childhood - Pending
grade General Clinic Recommendations
grade picture_as_pdf Strengthening our Immune Health
Allergy Treatment Sheet--for Children and Adults
Our Energy--What Enhances It and What Drains It
The Essential and the Non-Essential
Flaxseeds, Fish Oil, and Neural Development
Vegetable and Chicken-Vegetable Detox/Mineral Bone Soups
Parenting a Young Child- What My Formal Education Never Taught Me
Parenting: Confronting Our Shadow
Strangers in Our Home Part II:
How Screens Impact the Spiritual Development of Our Children - Pending
Confessions from a Pediatrician-- The Darkest Night of My Soul Revisited
Michaelmas: Confronting our Fears
grade Raising Our Consciousness: From Conditional to Unconditional Love
The Redwood Seed (a Poem for Children, Teenagers, and Adults)
The book, Healing Our Children, by Susan R. Johnson, MD, F.A.A.P., is a collection of more than 45 articles written for parents, educators, and health professionals. For those that prefer to have a printed copy of this entire book, and want to pass this book on as a gift for expectant parents, friends, relatives, or colleagues, a printed version of this book will soon be available to order online!