Dear Concerned Parent, Teacher, and Health Professional,
As a Behavioral and Developmental Pediatrician for more than 30 years, I have had the great privilege of evaluating toddlers, children and teenagers with developmental, behavioral and learning challenges. At my clinic, I evaluate young children having difficulties with receptive and expressive language, fine and gross motor skills, auditory processing, visual processing, and cognitive development. Behavioral concerns such as temper tantrums, tactile defensiveness, aggressive behaviors, hyperactivity, sleep disturbances, bed-wetting, and difficulties paying attention and sitting still are also addressed. I offer comprehensive assessments for children having difficulties with reading, comprehension, writing, spelling, and mathematics and determine whether your child learns best through visual, auditory, or hands-on kinesthetic methods. I perform preschool, kindergarten and 1st grade readiness screens and assess children's neurologic readiness for reading. I also offer nutritional and holistic therapies for children with ADD, ADHD, and Autistic Spectrum Disorders and recommend nutritional and constitutional remedies for children that are struggling with allergies as well as chronic ear and sinus infections.
Preventative Care Consults are scheduled for 3 to 3 1/2 hours. During this mini-evaluation, a child receives a vision and hearing screen, a complete physical and neurological examination, sensory motor evaluation and a qualitative learning assessment. Nutritional support and constitutional remedies are recommended.
The Comprehensive Learning Evaluation is an all day evaluation and consists of a vision and hearing screen, a complete physical and neurological examination, sensory motor evaluation, qualitative learning assessment , child/teen interview, and parent (family) interview. Nutritional support and constitutional remedies are recommended.
Preschool, Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd Grade Readiness Screens, and 2 hour Consults are scheduled for 2 hours and include a vision and hearing screen as well as a brief sensory-motor evaluation and brief learning assessment.
Referral Resources include: psychological-educational testing, speech and language therapy, audiology, neurology, genetics, Biodynamic Cranial Osteopathy and Cranial-Sacral therapy, Therapeutic Eurythmy movement therapy, sensory integration movement therapies (e.g. Occupational therapy, Brain Gym, HANDLE, Bal-a-vis-x), therapeutic and Parelli horseback riding, Rhythmical Massage Therapy, Extra Lesson (specialized educational assessment and support lessons), educational tutoring, sand-tray therapy, and family counseling/support groups.
Please feel free to call me at (916) 638-8758 if you have any questions or wish to schedule an appointment. Please click on Contact for directions to the clinic, a description of the town of Colfax, places to stay, and lists of restaurants.